WEEHOURS's Character Pack


There were six WEEHOURS origin characters which are defined in the brand's guidelines. They tend to become the face of the brand which demonstrates their style and target. However, WEEHOURS needs to present more diverse characters in its graphics and products. They aim to make their character pack unlimited and even can become an illustration for their customers.


There was a DNA for these illustrations, They keep the basic characteristic of WEEHOURS through their simple line style and expression. I decided to keep it and bring it to life by adding more facial shapes angles, and even the hairstyle. I want to make them closer to humans, especially the youth who have no limit in their style.

Client: WEEHOURS eyewear
Role: Designer
Category: Illustration, packaging

From Life to Line

The concept of WEEHOURS's characters is illustrating their customers, using the simple line style combine with the brand's colors in the glasses. This process would make the character become the connection between the brand and its people.

Stay Cool

The first characteristic of the brand is Cool and it defines the vibe of its character line. They are created to match the cool,  always are cool, and just that.


Bringing joy to the game, these characters put on a smile and happy attitudes. As the brand decided that they not only sell products but also happiness.

And Curious

WEEHOUR takes curiousness seriously. Cause it is the key to their creativity. In addition, these curious emotions give direction to the graphics, encouraging the viewer to look at and follow the contents.

Make it Thrive

Apply for the work everywhere to make the brand voice thrive through digital graphic elements. To bring the brand's characteristics to the user. Make it unique and memorable.

Bring to the Products

Not only the digital elements got the brand's voice but also the WEEHOURS's products have applied the visuals. To make the customer feel closer to the brand and remember what WEEHOURS is.

To create a unique experience with WEEHOURS, we decided to put our products into a cylinder-shaped box. Wrapping our characters around it, make it feel different from every angle of view. It represented the diversity of WEEHOUR's products as well as the characteristic of our customers.